Seeing The Forest For The Trees
“The fog was perfect for creating atmospheric coastal forest images. Sunlight, filtered by the fog, streamed in from my right. I hunted for a composition.”
A Short But Moving Story
She caught my attention and said the photos were beautiful. She went on to say that the photos were similar to those next-door in the hospital. I thanked her for the kind words and explained those in the hospital were my photographs too.
Put Nature First
The irony of course is that our goal is to capture the beauty of the natural world and to share our photos and the experiences with our audience! But with each step beyond the sign we are damaging the very beauty we hope to capture and share.
First Entry
“It didn’t take long to decide I needed my own darkroom. I hired an electrician friend to run power to a small storage room attached to the house. We cut a hole in the outside wall and added an air conditioner - a most have in an airtight room in Arizona!”