A Short But Moving Story

Preamble: I thought this was worth sharing

Recently I installed five of my prints in a local medical center. The prints were purchased to brighten and make the waiting area a more pleasant place.

While I was there a woman came in with her husband. She was on oxygen and sat nearby watching me hang a print.

She caught my attention and said the photos were beautiful. She went on to say that the photos were similar to those next-door in the hospital. I thanked her for the kind words and explained those in the hospital were my photographs too.

After a minute or so she said, “I have to tell you, your photos help me get through some pretty dark days while in the hospital during an extended stay.” She went on to say they brighten her spirt and were a nice distraction from her medical challenges.

I was speechless. After a brief moment of silence I thank her again and told her it was reassuring to know my photographs were comforting and indirectly helped in her healing process. I wished her well.

Her acknowledgement and admiration of my work brighten the rest of my day. It is nice to know my work serves a greater purpose.

Respect and recognition will always trump monetary rewards!



Steve Giardini

Steve J. Giardini is a Bend, Oregon-based professional creative photographer. Steve is an artist, educator, public speaker, photo workshop instructor, and mentor. Giardini Photography offers archival photo prints, image licensing, photography classes, workshops, coaching, and mentoring products and services. Steve’s photographs have been published in local, national, and international magazines. His prints are displayed in homes, businesses, and art galleries in Oregon.

View Steve’s portfolio at https://stevegiardini.com.


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