Put Nature First

SUBJECT: Preserving the Natural World

My Fellow Photographers,

Natural world access gets easier all the time. Many of us are taking full advantage. So much so that many locations are being appreciated beyond recognition. This is especially true of iconic locations where foot traffic is heavy and off trail excursions are common.

Looking over our shoulder to make sure no one is watching as we inch past the ‘Restoration Area, Please Stay Off’ sign doesn’t make the damage we do any less! 

The irony of course is that our goal as photographers is to capture the beauty of the natural world and to share our photos and the experiences with our audience! But with each step beyond the sign we are damaging the very beauty we hope to capture and share.

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Siuslaw Morning Mist 21161597BSND800BW

Common sense, right? None of us need a lecture about the importance and inherent value of preserving the natural world. Especially us nature and landscape photographers. It’s a no brainer. If we pummel the natural environment, our very existence - as outdoor photographers and human beings - will be in jeopardy.

So, are you ready to make a commitment to do the right thing?

I believe I make conscious and deliberate decisions about my impact on the natural world. But I am not perfect and sometimes the excitement of ‘getting the shot’ prevails. 

It’s time to change that. It’s time for me to make a formal, out loud, keep me honest commitment to practicing outdoor photography preservation principles 100% of the time. 

I found the perfect peer organization to lead me in the right direction, Nature First. I became a member today!

A core group of professional nature photographers got together to discuss the issue and brainstorm a set of best practices & guiding principles. Shortly thereafter Nature First was established. Since 2018 the organization has attracted more than 3500 like-minded nature photographers in 35 countries. 

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Its Mission

Nature First promotes the protection and preservation of the world's natural and wild places through inspiring, educating, and uniting everyone making photographs and videos in nature; empowering them to be ambassadors of the natural world.

Its guiding principles;

  • Prioritize the well-being of nature over photography.

  • Educate yourself about the places you photograph.

  • Reflect on the possible impact of your actions.

  • Use discretion if sharing locations.

  • Know and follow rules and regulations.

  • Always follow Leave No Trace principles and strive to leave places better than you found them.

  • Actively promote and educate others about these principles.

I challenge every photographer who reads this note to become a member of Nature First. Membership is free. Becoming a member means you too are making a personal committed to following simple principles that will help protect the natural world you aspire to photograph.

Go a step further and join me in making a donation. Consider it an investment that will pay dividends going forward.

If you’re not ready to become a member, please at least visit the Nature First website. Learn about the issue and the solutions. Then make a personal commitment to follow the principles the organization promotes. 

Thanks for helping to preserve the natural world.



Steve Giardini

Steve J. Giardini is a Bend, Oregon-based professional creative photographer. Steve is an artist, educator, public speaker, photo workshop instructor, and mentor. Giardini Photography offers archival photo prints, image licensing, photography classes, workshops, coaching, and mentoring products and services. Steve’s photographs have been published in local, national, and international magazines. His prints are displayed in homes, businesses, and art galleries in Oregon.

View Steve’s portfolio at https://stevegiardini.com.


A Short But Moving Story


First Entry